Totnes Museum
70 Fore Street
01803 863821
Email is the best way to contact us.
If the museum is closed, no one is able to answer the phone.
Even if the museum is open, it is unlikely the phone will be answered as we're all busy in the museum.
If you do ring, please leave a message and we will try to get back to you.
Charity Number
Please check the map below for directions to Totnes Museum.
The museum is a Grade 1 building, which restricts our ability to make changes. Nevertheless, our aim is to improve and develop the museum for visitors who cannot access the house.
Current Access
Throughout the entire building the floors are mainly original, and are therefore uneven. Outside the building there are cobbles, uneven surfaces and steps.
There are steps in and out of many of the rooms and galleries. On the ground floor ramps have been installed to grant access to some areas.
Current Facilities